TRF Language Model
wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >, including all inherited members.

Alloc(int nSize)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Clean()wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Copy(LHash< KeyT, DataT > &other)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Fill(DataT d)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Find(KeyT key, bool &bFound)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Find(KeyT key)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
GetBuffer() constwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
GetMaxBits() constwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
GetNum() constwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
GetSize() constwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Insert(KeyT key, bool &bFound)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Insert(KeyT key)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
LHash(int nSize=0)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
LHashIter< KeyT, DataT > classwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >friend
Locate(KeyT key, int &index) constwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
m_nMaxBitswb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >protected
m_nUnitNumwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >protected
m_pUnitwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >protected
Release()wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
Reset(int nSize)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
RoundSize(int nSize)wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
TotalMemCost()wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline
~LHash()wb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >inline