TRF Language Model
wb::Vec< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for wb::Vec< T >, including all inherited members.

ByteSize() constwb::VecShell< T >inline
Copy(VecShell< T > v)wb::Vec< T >
Fill(T v)wb::VecShell< T >
GetBuf() constwb::VecShell< T >inline
GetSize() constwb::VecShell< T >inline
GetSub(int nPos, int nLen)wb::VecShell< T >inline
m_nSizewb::VecShell< T >protected
m_pBufwb::VecShell< T >protected
operator*=(T n)wb::VecShell< T >
operator+=(VecShell v)wb::VecShell< T >
operator-=(VecShell v)wb::VecShell< T >
operator/=(T n)wb::VecShell< T >
operator=(VecShell v)wb::VecShell< T >
operator==(VecShell v)wb::VecShell< T >
operator[](int i)wb::VecShell< T >
Reset(int size=0)wb::Vec< T >
wb::VecShell::Reset(T *p, int size)wb::VecShell< T >inline
Sum()wb::VecShell< T >inline
Vec()wb::Vec< T >inline
Vec(int size)wb::Vec< T >inline
VecShell()wb::VecShell< T >inline
VecShell(T *p, int size)wb::VecShell< T >inline
~Vec()wb::Vec< T >inline