>>Prof. He and some students attend the 58th AVS meeting in Dalian. [2016.8] Detail>>
>>Prof. He and some students attend the 57th AVS meeting in Guiyang. [2016.6] Detail>>
>>Prof. He and some students attend the 56th AVS meeting in Hangzhou. [2016.3] Detail>>
>>Prof. He and some students attend the 55th AVS meeting in Beijing. [2015.12] Detail>>
>>Prof. He and some students attend the 42nd AVS meeting in Guilin. [2012.9.20-22] Detail>>
>>Prof. Jun Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee , gave a visit to our lab. [2012.9.5] Detail>>
>>Prof.Lagendijk of delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, came to Tsinghua on August 20,2012. He gave a lecture on "privacy protected signal processing"in Rohm Building . [2012.8.20] Detail>>