TRF Language Model
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cwb::_wb_HEAP_UNIT_< TValue, TWeight >Heap unit
 Cwb::ClockClock - used to record the time
 Ctrf::FeatInclude all the feature table
 Ctrf::FeatStyleAnalyse a determinate feat style (without ":")
 Ctrf::FeatTableDefine the feature style. such as "w3"(word-3gram); "c2"(class-2gram);
 Cwb::FileFile class
 Cwb::FuncObjective function, used to derive
 Cwb::Heap< TValue, TWeight >Heap
 Cwb::IO_ObjBase class used to derive. It providing the vritual function of write and read
 Cwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >Linear hash table
 Cwb::LHash< int, int >
 Cwb::LHashIter< KeyT, DataT >Iter of LHash
 Cwb::LogThis class can output to the cmd window and log files simultaneously. In wb-log.cpp, there are a Log variable "lout", which can be directly used just like "cout". For example:
 Cwb::Mat3d< PValue >
 Cwb::Mat3dShell< T >
 Cwb::MatShell< T >
 Cwb::MatShell< double >
 Cwb::MatShell< HValue >
 Cwb::MatShell< int >
 Cwb::MatShell< Prob >
 Cwb::MatShell< PValue >
 Cwb::MatShell< VocabID >
 Ctrf::ModelTRF model
 Cwb::iter::Obj< T >
 Cwb::Opt_StructStructure of the value
 Cwb::OptionGet the option from command line or command files
 Cwb::PathAnalize the path including "*" and "?" and "+" symbols
 Cwb::ProgressBarProgress bar class
 Ctrf::RandSeq< Type >
 Ctrf::SeqDefine a sequence including the word sequence and class sequence
 Cwb::SolveBase class of all the solve classes, and provide a gradient descent algorithm
 Cwb::StringDynamic string class
 Cwb::TitleTitle class - output to the title
 Cwb::Trie< KeyT, DataT >Trie structure
 Cwb::Trie< int, int >
 Cwb::Trie< VocabID, int >
 Cwb::TrieIter< KeyT, DataT >Iter all the sub-tries
 Cwb::TrieIter2< KeyT, DataT >Get all the values whose indexes are of a fixed length. The returned tries may not contain a legal values
 Cwb::LHash< KeyT, DataT >::UnitUnit of hash
 Cwb::VecShell< T >
 Cwb::VecShell< double >
 Cwb::VecShell< LogP >
 Cwb::VecShell< Prob >
 Cwb::VecShell< PValue >
 Cwb::Vector< T >This is the basic class of Array/Stack/Queue. Realize the dynamic memory management
 Cwb::Vector< Array< int > * >
 Cwb::Vector< Array< VocabID > * >
 Cwb::Vector< char * >
 Cwb::Vector< hrf::Seq * >
 Cwb::Vector< hrf::ThreadData * >
 Cwb::Vector< int >
 Cwb::Vector< iter::Obj< T > * >
 Cwb::Vector< String >
 Cwb::Vector< trf::FeatStyle * >
 Cwb::Vector< trf::FeatStyle::Field >
 Cwb::Vector< trf::FeatTable * >
 Cwb::Vector< trf::Msg * >
 Cwb::Vector< trf::Seq * >
 Cwb::Vector< Type >
 Cwb::Vector< VocabID >
 Cwb::Vector< wb::_wb_HEAP_UNIT_< TValue, TWeight > >
 Cwb::Vector< wb::Opt_Struct >
 Cwb::vIter< T >