
Short CV

 Experience Yu-Jin ZHANG received the Ph.D. degree in Applied Science from the State University of Li¨¨ge, Li¨¨ge, Belgium, in 1989. From 1989 to 1993, he was post-doc fellow and research fellow with the Department of Applied Physics and Department of Electrical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands. In 1993, he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, where he is a professor of Image Engineering (since 1997), Ph.D. Supervisor (since 1998), and was deputy director of Institute of Image and Graphics (1994 - 2003). Since 2014, he is a tenured-professor and the director of Institute of Information Cognition and Intelligent System. In 2003, he spent his sabbatical year as visiting professor in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
 Teaching      He has opened and taught more than 10 under-graduate and graduate courses in Tsinghua University, including: "Image Processing", "Image Analysis", "Image Understanding", and "Content-based Visual Information Retrieval". He has opened and taught the graduate course "Advanced Image Analysis" and involved in the teaching of several other courses in NTU.
He is the author of the series of textbooks (1st edition, in Chinese), "Image Engineering (I): Image Processing and Analysis" (1999), "Image Engineering (II): Image Understanding and Computer Vision" (2000) and "Image Engineering (III): Teaching References and Exercise Solutions" (2002), (Tsinghua University Press), which have won the first prize awarded by the Ministry of Education in 2002.
     He is the author of the series of textbooks (2nd edition, in Chinese), "Image Engineering (I): Image Processing"£¨2006£©, "Image Engineering (II): Image Analysis " £¨2005£©, "Image Engineering (III): Image Understanding" £¨2007£© and "Image Engineering (bound volume) " £¨2007£©(Tsinghua University Press), which won the awards of National High-Education and Beijing High-Education in 2008.
     He is the author of the series of textbooks (3rd edition, in Chinese), "Image Engineering (I): Image Processing" £¨2012£©, "Image Engineering (II): Image Analysis" £¨2012£©, "Image Engineering (III): Image Understanding" £¨2012£© and "Image Engineering (bound volume) " £¨2013£©(Tsinghua University Press), which won the awards of Beijing High-Education in 2013.
     He is the author of the series of textbooks (4th edition, in Chinese), "Image Engineering (I): Image Processing" £¨2018£©, "Image Engineering (II): Image Analysis " £¨2018£©, "Image Engineering (III): Image Understanding" £¨2018£© and "Image Engineering (bound volume) " £¨2018£©(Tsinghua University Press), and the associated textbook. "Problem Analysis in Image Engineering " £¨2018£©, which won the second prize of the first National Textbook Construction Award for National Excellent Textbooks (Higher Education) in 2021.
     He is the author of the series of textbooks (5th edition, in Chinese), "Image Engineering (I): Image Processing" £¨2024£©, "Image Engineering (II): Image Analysis " £¨2024£©, "Image Engineering (III): Image Understanding" £¨2024£© and "Image Engineering (bound volume) " £¨2024£©(Tsinghua University Press).
     He is the author of English textbook "Image Engineering: Processing, Analysis, and Understanding" (Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2009). He is the author of the series of English textbooks "Image Engineering, Vol.1: Image Processing", "Image Engineering, Vol.2: Image Analysis", "Image Engineering, Vol.3: Image Understanding" (Walter De Gruyter, Germany, 2017). He has written the Chinese textbooks for course conducted on the web (both web form and printed form): "Fundamentals of Image Processing and Analysis" (High Education Press), and the Chinese textbook "Techniques for Image Processing and Analysis" (2nd edition, 2008 and 3rd edition, 2015) (High Education Press). He has made a multimedia courseware: "Computer Assisted Instruction Courseware for 'Image Processing and Analysis'" (High Education Press). He is the author of the Chinese textbooks "Course of Image Processing and Analysis" (1st edition, 2009, 2nd edition, 2015, and 3rd edition, 2020) and "Course of Computer Vision" (1st edition, 2011, 2nd edition, 2016, and 3rd edition, 2021) (Posts and Telecom Press). He is the author of the Chinese textbooks "Foundamental Course of Image Processing", 2012 , "2D Computer Vision: Principles, Algorithms and Applications" 2021, and "3D Computer Vision: Principles, Algorithms and Applications", 2021 (Electrical Industrial Press).      He is the author of the English textbooks "2D Computer Vision: Principles, Algorithms and Applications" (World Scietific, 2022) and "3D Computer Vision: Principles, Algorithms and Applications" (Springer, 2023).
     He has translated the English textbooks "Digital Color Image Processing" (2010) , "Image Processing - The Fundamentals (2nd Edition, 2013)", " Practical Image and Video Processing Using MATLAB" (2013) , " Foundation of Computer Vision" (2019) "Color in Computer Vision: Fundamentals and Applications" (2022) , " Fundamentals of Image, Audio, Video Processing Using MATLAB ¨C with Applications to Pattern Recognition" (2022)", and " Fundamentals of Graphics Using MATLAB" (2023) into Chinese (Tsinghua University Press).
     He is the co-author of the Chinese textbook "Digital Signal and Image Processing" (Tsinghua University Press).
     He has published more than 30 papers on educational topics.
 Research      His research interests are mainly in the area of Image Engineering that includes image processing, image analysis and image understanding, as well as their applications. He is an enthusiastic promoter of this new discipline. Since 1996, he has made (for twenty-five consecutive years) a survey series of yearly bibliographies on Image Engineering in China, the results are published both nationally and internationally.
     He is also an active researcher in Image Engineering, with current interests on object segmentation from images and video, segmentation evaluation and comparison, moving object detection and tracking, face recognition, facial expression detection/classification, machine learning, image classification, content-based image and video retrieval, high-level information fusion and spatial-temporal behavior understanding, etc.
He has in charged of a number of projects from National Nature Science Foundation, National High Technology Projects, Ministry of Education, etc.
     He has published extensively in Image Engineering and related areas, with more than 500 research papers, three Chinese monographs: "Image Segmentation " (Science Press, 2001), "Content-based Visual Information Retrieval " (Science Press, 2003), and "Subspace-based Face Recognition " (Tsinghua University Press, 2009), three English edited bookss: " Advances in Image and Video Segmentation " (USA: IRM Press, 2006), " Semantic-Based Visual Information Retrieval "( USA: IRM Press, 2007), " Advances in Face Image Analysis: Techniques and Technologies "( USA: IGI Global, 2011), one Chinese dictionary: "An English-Chinese Dictionary of Image Engineering" (Tsinghua University Press, 1st edition, 2009, 2nd edition, 2015, 3rd edition, 2021), one English handbook: "Handbook of Image Engineering" (Springer Nature, Singapore, 2021), two Chinese books combining teaching and research materials: "A Selection of Image Engineering Techniques "(Tsinghua University Press, 2016) and "A Selection of Image Engineering Techniques II "(Tsinghua University Press, 2020), as well as three English books combining teaching and research materials: "A Selection of Image Processing Techniques "(CRC Press, 2022), "A Selection of Image Analysis Techniques "(CRC Press, 2023) and "A Selection of Image Understanding Techniques "(CRC Press, 2023). He has just published an English book "3-D Computer Vision: Foundations and Advanced Methodologies" (Springer, 2024).
     He is the Honorary Chairman of Supervisors (2020 ~ ) of China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG)
     He is a senior editor of "Journal of Image and Graphics "(since 2020), associate editor of "Journal of Electronics and Information", "Journal of CAD and Computer Graphics", "Signal Processing", and "Journal of Electronics (China) ", as well as executive director of the book series "Image and Graphics Science".
     He was the program chair of "The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'2017)".
     He was the program chair of "The First International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2000)", "The Second International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2002)", "The Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2007)", "The Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2009)", "The Sixth International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2011)", "The Seventh International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2013)", and "The Eighth International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2015)",
     He was the program chair of "The 12th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2005)", "The 13th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2006)", "The 14th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2008)", "The 15th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2010)", "The 16th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2012)", "The 17th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2014)". "The 18th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2016)", and "The 19th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG'2018)".
     He was the program vice co-chair of "Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2006)".
     He is a Fellow of SPIE (Since 2011) "for achievements in image engineering", and a fellow of CSIG (Since 2019) .

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