Call for papers for a special issue on Electromagnetic Information Theory (EIT) in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (IEEE JSAIT), a publication of the IEEE Information Theory Society. The guest editors are Prof. Massimo Franceschetti, Prof. Linglong Dai, Prof. Marco Donald Migliore, and Thomas Marzetta. Submissions are due by 15 August, 2024, with publication expected in April 2025. We look forward to your contributions!
(February, 2024) On the occasion of the Spring Festival in 2024, the laboratory released its annual summary for the first time, outlining the exceptional accomplishments in course teaching, academic research, talent development, and other areas during 2023.
(January, 2024) The thesis of Wei Xiuhong, a graduate of the laboratory's master's degree, was selected into the 2023 Master's Thesis Incentive Plan of the China Communications Society.
Year 2023
(December, 2023) Our paper “Delay-Phase Precoding to Alleviate the Beam Defocus Effect for Circular Arrays ” (authors: Zidong Wu and Linglong Dai) received the IEEE GLOBECOM 2023 Best Paper Award.
(June 24, 2022) Ruochen Su and Zidong Wu received the 2022 EE star scholarship.
(May 23, 2022) Linglong Dai was invited to give a keynote talk “Near-Field Communications for Extremely Large Antenna Array” for the Huawei workshop of IEEE ICASSP 2022. [Recorded video] [Presentation Slides]
(May 17, 2022) Linglong Dai gave the presentation “Active RIS vs. Passive RIS Which Will Prevail in 6G” on IEEE ICC 2022 special workshop on RIS. [Presentation Slides]
(May 16, 2022) Linglong Dai and Yonina Eldar gave a joint tutorial “Near-Field Communications for 6G: A Tutorial” on IEEE ICC 2022. [Tutorial video] [Tutorial slides]
(April 28, 2022) Linglong Dai gave the tutorial “Electromagnetic Information Theory: From Mathematical Channel to Physical Channel” on JCCI 2022. [Tutorial slides]
(October 12, 2021) Jingbo Tan and Xiuhong Wei received the 2021 National Scholarship for Graduate Students (20000 RMB for Master winners, and 30000 RMB for Ph.D. winners).
(July 31, 2021) Based on our previous RIS prototype received the 2020 IEEE Access Best Multimedia Award, our enhanced prototype of RIS-aided wireless communications with 256 RIS elements at the base station side, 2304 RIS elements at the relay side, and 256 RIS elements at the user side, was demonstrated for three days at IEEE/CIC ICCC 2021@Xiamen, China.
(July 8, 2021) Linglong Dai was invited to give a talk on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) for beyond 5G for British Telecom (BT), a British multinational telecommunications holding company headquartered in London, England.
(April 14, 2021) Linglong Dai was invited to serve as a member of the Expert Committee of Samsung Electronics China Communication Research Institute, which is composed of five professors in China.
(March 19, 2021) Our paper “Reconfigurable intelligent surface-based wireless communication: Antenna design, prototyping and experimental results”, received the 2020 IEEE Access Best Multimedia Award.
(August 20, 2020) Our proposal “Theory and Verification of Teraherz Mobile Communications” was funded by the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, with the fund of 3.03 million RMB and collaborators including UESTC and BUPT.
(June 7, 2020) Our IEEE JSAC paper “Spectrum and Energy-Efficient Beamspace MIMO-NOMA for Millimeter-Wave Communications Using Lens Antenna Array” (authors: Bichai Wang, Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, Ning Ge, and Shidong Zhou) has received the 2020 IEEE ComSoc Leonard G. Abraham Prize.
(January 16, 2020) Linglong Dai was invited to give a talk “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) for 6G: A Paradigm Shift from Adapting Channels to
Changing Channels” at the SECWC Annual Meeting of Samsung Electronics China Communication Research Institute.
(December 24, 2019) Linglong Dai received the 2019 Liu Bing Award of Tsinghua University.There are 10 awardees in Tsinghua University every year for their excellent performance in student supervision.
(November 7, 2019) As the representative of the first prize winners of the 11th Beijing Municipal Young College Teachers' Basic Teaching Skills Competition, Linglong Dai was invited to share his teaching experiences with Tsinghua professors.
(August 12, 2019) Our paper “Geometric mean decomposition based hybrid precoding for mmWave massive MIMO systems” (authors: Tian Xie, Linglong Dai, Xinyu Gao, Muhammad Zeeshan Shakir, and Jianjun Li) received the 2019 China Communications Best Paper Award. There are two papers receiving this award out of all 700+ papers published in the journal China Communications during 2016-2018.
(May 28, 2019) Bichai Wang received the 2019 Paul Baran Young Scholars for her contribtution on NOMA for 5G. There are 3-4 winners every year all over the world, and each winner will receive $5,000 from the Marconi Society. She is the first student winner in mainland China.
(November 21, 2018) The first formal Ph.D. student Xinyu Gao received the 2018 Tsinghua Grand Scholarship, the highest scholarship for Tsinghua students.
(October 8, 2018) Our paper “Non-orthogonal multiple access for 5G: Solutions, challenges, opportunities, and future research trends” (authors: Linglong Dai, Bichai Wang, Yifei Yuan, Shuangfeng Han, Chih-Lin I, and Zhaocheng Wang) received the 7th IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award.
(June 18, 2018) We have successfully developed the hardware platform of machine learning based end-to-end wireless communication system. [Show picture]
(May 22, 2018) Our paper “Beamspace channel estimation for wideband millimeter-wave MIMO with lens antenna array” (authors: Xinyu Gao, Linglong Dai, Shidong Zhou, Akbar Sayeed, and Lajos Hanzo) received the IEEE ICC 2018 Best Paper Award. This year ICC has 2431 paper submissions, 972 accepted papers, and 15 Best Papers (Top 1.5%).
(May 15, 2018) We have successfully developed the hardware platform of 256-element electromagnetic surface array based wireless VR transmission system. [Show picture]
(May 4, 2018) We have a new paper on NOMA with 29 pages accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. The impact factor of this journal is 17.188, ranking No. 1 out of all 89 SCI journals in the field of telecommunications.
(April 20, 2018) We have successfully developed the hardware platform for real-time high-speed VR wireless transmission based on massive MIMO.
(March 24, 2018) The Chinese version book "Compressive Sensing for Wireless Networks" (10 chapters, 224 pages) was published by Tsinghua University Press. Click the link above to buy this paper with a discount.
(Febuary 6, 2018) Our paper on hybrid precoding for mmWave MIMO systems has received 150 Google scholar citations.
[J30] X. Gao, L. Dai, S. Han, C.-L. I, and R. W. Heath, “Energy-efficient hybrid analog and digital precoding for mmWave MIMO systems with large antenna arrays,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 998-1009, Apr. 2016. [Full Paper] [Simulation Codes]
(December 21, 2017) Our survey paper on millimeter-wave massive MIMO was accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. The impact factor of this journal is 17.188, ranking No. 1 out of all 89 SCI journals in the field of telecommunications.
[J58] S. A. Busari, K. M. S. Huq, S. Mumtaz, L. Dai, and J. Rodriguez, “Millimeter-wave mMassive MIMO communication for future wireless systems: A survey,” to appear in IEEE Commun. Surv. Tut., 2018. [Full Paper]
(November 24, 2017) Our participated propsoal “R15 Based R&D of 5G Base Station Prototype” for the National Science and Technology Major Project was successfully granted by MOST (from Jan. 2018 to Dec. 2019).
(November 17, 2017) The following three papers from our group are ESI Top 0.1% Hot Papers.
[J30] X. Gao, L. Dai, S. Han, C.-L. I, and R. W. Heath, “Energy-efficient hybrid analog and digital precoding for mmWave MIMO systems with large antenna arrays,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 998-1009, Apr. 2016. [Full Paper] [Simulation Codes]
[J32] X. Gao, L. Dai, Z. Chen, Z. Wang, and Z. Zhang, “Near-optimal beam selection for beamspace mmWave massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1054-1057, May 2016. [Full Paper] [Simulation Codes]
[J26] Z. Gao, L. Dai, Z. Wang, and S. Chen, “Spatially common sparsity based adaptive channel estimation and feedback for FDD massive MIMO,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 63, no. 23, pp. 6169-6183, Dec. 2015. [Full Paper] [Simulation Codes]
(September 24, 2017) Our paper on beamspace MIMO-NOMA has received the IEEE VTC 2017-Fall Best Student Paper Award. Only one paper out of all 475 accepted papers is able to receive this award.
[C39] B. Wang, L. Dai, X. Gao, and L. Hanzo, “Beamspace MIMO-NOMA for millimeter-wave communications using lens antenna arrays,” in Proc. IEEE 86th Veh. Technol. Conf. (IEEE VTC'17 Fall), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2017. [Full Paper] [Simulation Codes]
[J49] M. Xiao, S. Mumtaz, Y. Huang, L. Dai, et al, “Millimeter Wave Communications for Future Mobile Networks,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1909-1935, Sep. 2017. [Full Paper]
(August 21, 2017) We have one invited paper “Angle-Based Codebook for Low-Resolution Hybrid Precoding in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems” accepted by IEEE/CIC ICCC'17.
(June 30, 2017) Yang Yang has passed his Postdoc Research Report Defense (Title: Research of network capacity enhancement in 5G heterogeneous networks). He will be a lecturer of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) since July 2017.
(June 28, 2017) Yuan Zhang received the Excellent Undergraduate Dissertation Award of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University.
(May 17, 2017) Linglong Dai was appointed as the Guest Editor of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (the Special Issue on Hybrid Analog-Digital Signal Processing for Hardware-Efficient Large Scale Antenna Arrays, Part I, Part II), a top journal in the field of signal processing with high reputation (the current impact factor is 2.569). The Call for Papers is available online, and the submission deadline is September 15, 2017.
(February 24, 2017) Our proposal "Key Signal Processing Technologies for 5G Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO with Lens Antenna Array" was approved by The Royal Academy of Engineering of United Kingdom with the fund of GBP 100,000 for two years (Apr. 2017-Mar. 2019).
(February 16, 2017) Xinyu Gao will study in Prof. Akbar Sayeed's research group in University of Wisconsin (US) for half year (from March 2017 to September 2017).
(January 15, 2017) Two of our papers on hybrid precoding and NOMA become ESI top 1% Highly Cited Papers.
(January 10, 2017) Our paper on pilot design for massive MIMO received the 2016 Electronics Letters Best Paper Award. There is only 1 paper out of all 1062 candidate papers published in Electronics Letters in 2014 received this award (Top 0.1%). This is the first journal paper from the first Ph.D student guided by Dr. Linglong Dai since his work from Jun. 2013.
[J11] Z. Gao, L. Dai, and Z. Wang, “Structured compressive sensing based superimposed pilot design in downlink
large-scale MIMO systems,” Electron. Lett., vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 896-898, Jun. 2014. [Full Paper] [Simulation Codes]
Year 2016
(December 28, 2016) The student research training (SRT) project on 5G received the First-Class Award of Excellent Projects of SRT Program of Tsinghua University (Yuan Zhang, Zhijie Chen, Yu Zhang, Ziyan He, and Yubo Chen).
(December 28, 2016) Linglong Dai received the First-Class Award of Excellent Tutors of Student Research Training (SRT) Program of Tsinghua University.
(December 22, 2016) The SRT student Yuan Zhang from our lab received the Tsinghua Grand Scholarship, the highest scholarship that any student can receive in Tsinghua University (only 10 winners outof 15000+ candidates can be rewarded, Top 0.06%).
(October 15, 2016) Our paper “Beamspace Channel Estimation for 3D Lens-Based Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems” (authors: Xinyu Gao, Linglong Dai, et al.) received the WCSP 2016 Best Paper Award.
(October 8, 2016) Xinyu Gao passed the Doctoral qualification examination and ranked No. 1 in his group. In the past three years, three Ph.D students have passed the Doctoral qualification examination, and Zhen Gao ranked No. 2 in 2014, Wenqian Shen ranked No. 1 in 2015, Xinyu Gao ranked No. 1 in 2016 in their groups, respectively.
(September 23, 2016) Our proposal "New multiple access technique with massive connectivity and low latency for 5G wireless systems" was jointly approved by the Minister of Science and Technology of China and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) with the fund of KRW 120,000,000 for two years (Mar. 2017-Feb. 2019).
(July 4, 2016) Chen Hu received the Excellent Undergraduate Dissertation Award of the Department of Electronic Engineering,
Tsinghua University.
(July 2, 2016) Zhen Gao received the Ph.D. degree in Electronic
Engineering from Tsinghua University (Ph.D thesis: Research on
Compressive Sensing Based Key Techniques for Massive MIMO Systems). He has published 3 book chapters, 13 SCI journal papers, and 7 EI conference papers. He
is recruited as an Assistant Professor of Beijing Institute of Technology since July 2016.
(June 27, 2016) Linglong Dai was promoted as an Associate Professor of
the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University.
(June 1, 2016) Wenqian Shen was accepted by the Government-Sponsored
Graduate Student Program funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC). She
will study in Prof. Robert W. Heath's research group in University of
Texas at Austin for 1 year (from Sep. 2016 to Aug. 2017).
(May 5, 2016) Yang Yang received the General Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
(February 29, 2016) Jiayi Zhang has passed his Postdoc Research Report
Defense (Title: Performance Analysis of Non-ideal Massive MIMO
Systems). He has been recruited as an Associate Professor of Beijing Jiaotaong University since March 2016.
(January 15, 2016) One of our paper on massive MIMO was listed as ESI top 1% highly cited papers in the field of engineering.
(January 14, 2016) We presented 4 technical proposals on Massive MIMO
and Millimeter-Wave Communications at the IMT-2020 (5G) conference.