TRF Language Model
▼Nhrf | |
CAISConfig | |
CAlgLayer | |
CAlgNode | |
CLearningRate | |
CMLfunc | |
CModel | Hidden-random-field model |
CModelExam | |
CSAExam | |
CSAfunc | |
CSAtrain | |
CSeq | |
CThreadData | |
▼Ntrf | |
CAISConfig | |
CAlgfb | |
CAlgNode | Forward-backward algorithms for TRF model |
CCorpusBase | |
CCorpusRandSelect | |
CCorpusTxt | |
CFeat | Include all the feature table |
▼CFeatStyle | Analyse a determinate feat style (without ":") |
CField | |
CFeatTable | Define the feature style. such as "w3"(word-3gram); "c2"(class-2gram); |
CLearningRate | |
CMLfunc | |
CModel | TRF model |
CModel_FastSample | TRF model, revise the sample method to speedup the MCMC |
CMsg | |
CRandSeq | |
CSAfunc | |
CSAtrain | |
CSeq | Define a sequence including the word sequence and class sequence |
CThreadData | |
CVecIter | |
CVocab | |
▼Nwb | Define all the code written by Bin Wang |
▼Niter | |
CAry | |
CLine | |
CObj | |
C_wb_HEAP_UNIT_ | Heap unit |
CArray | Dynamic array |
CCirQueue | Circular queue |
CClock | Clock - used to record the time |
CDArray | 2-dimension array |
CFile | File class |
CFunc | Objective function, used to derive |
CHeap | Heap |
CIO_Obj | Base class used to derive. It providing the vritual function of write and read |
▼CLHash | Linear hash table |
CUnit | Unit of hash |
CLHashIter | Iter of LHash |
CLog | This class can output to the cmd window and log files simultaneously. In wb-log.cpp, there are a Log variable "lout", which can be directly used just like "cout". For example: |
CMat | |
CMat3d | |
CMat3dShell | |
CMatShell | |
CObjFile | Used to read more than one objects |
COpt_Struct | Structure of the value |
COption | Get the option from command line or command files |
CPath | Analize the path including "*" and "?" and "+" symbols |
CProgressBar | Progress bar class |
CQueue | A queue based the dynamic memory mangement |
CSolve | Base class of all the solve classes, and provide a gradient descent algorithm |
CStack | A dynamic stack |
CString | Dynamic string class |
CTitle | Title class - output to the title |
CTrie | Trie structure |
CTrieIter | Iter all the sub-tries |
CTrieIter2 | Get all the values whose indexes are of a fixed length. The returned tries may not contain a legal values |
CVec | |
CVecShell | |
CVector | This is the basic class of Array/Stack/Queue. Realize the dynamic memory management |
CvIter | |
CWordCluster | |
CWordCluster_t |