TRF Language Model
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CModelHidden-random-field model
 CAlgNodeForward-backward algorithms for TRF model
 CFeatInclude all the feature table
 CFeatStyleAnalyse a determinate feat style (without ":")
 CFeatTableDefine the feature style. such as "w3"(word-3gram); "c2"(class-2gram);
 CModelTRF model
 CModel_FastSampleTRF model, revise the sample method to speedup the MCMC
 CSeqDefine a sequence including the word sequence and class sequence
 NwbDefine all the code written by Bin Wang
 C_wb_HEAP_UNIT_Heap unit
 CArrayDynamic array
 CCirQueueCircular queue
 CClockClock - used to record the time
 CDArray2-dimension array
 CFileFile class
 CFuncObjective function, used to derive
 CIO_ObjBase class used to derive. It providing the vritual function of write and read
 CLHashLinear hash table
 CUnitUnit of hash
 CLHashIterIter of LHash
 CLogThis class can output to the cmd window and log files simultaneously. In wb-log.cpp, there are a Log variable "lout", which can be directly used just like "cout". For example:
 CObjFileUsed to read more than one objects
 COpt_StructStructure of the value
 COptionGet the option from command line or command files
 CPathAnalize the path including "*" and "?" and "+" symbols
 CProgressBarProgress bar class
 CQueueA queue based the dynamic memory mangement
 CSolveBase class of all the solve classes, and provide a gradient descent algorithm
 CStackA dynamic stack
 CStringDynamic string class
 CTitleTitle class - output to the title
 CTrieTrie structure
 CTrieIterIter all the sub-tries
 CTrieIter2Get all the values whose indexes are of a fixed length. The returned tries may not contain a legal values
 CVectorThis is the basic class of Array/Stack/Queue. Realize the dynamic memory management